For months, there was a curious substructure showcase in New York City. For months I thought it was a mirage. COMING SOON, its announced Tyvek-lined window. STEAK 'N SHAKE. And last Thursday applauded open late at night.
Now, I'm no great steak 'n shake fanatics. It pretty much the diner is equivalent to a limp handshake. But as a relative visiting city that you have nothing in common but blood, I was still curious on this mid-American arrival.

First impressions? "Steak n has spruced shake itself to the most outlandish way to prepare himself for his" big city debut."and it's a little embarrassing much zeal for the m & M store, such as your foreign related?" It's kinda like "steak 'n shake, you are sooo cute, but I don't know whether this color pop neon orange lipstick for you is." I understand that to compete with shake shack Amüsieren district on the street, but come on! What makes exactly it "Signature", anyway? When the 'signature' steak 'n shake aesthetics was retained, she would install the overhead fluorescent lamps with soul crushing and a brain-dead Waitstaff. BUT RECEIVED
Is this the 40/40 Club or something? I'm going to have to roll-up with four of my best girls in heels and my thumb they take my fake? It is also a little sad to have these ropes if nobody must be Corraled. There are no storage in the back, steak 'n shake? There were also two two different employees waiting to greet me, before I at the counter. I understand the creation of jobs, but I'm not sure that I so many people for entering a burger joint, to congratulate, there is a doctor on call for cardiac events to the people need me.
And as long as we're on the subject of appearances, we can discuss the staff uniform? This is what I am a steak 'n shake employee used to have:
Admitted is this uniform for a seat, steak 'n shake. I understand that they need to reshape the uniform for counter service and understand me wrong - I like the red and Black Polo. "Fast Food" is definitely without demean the employees. But you have the boots check that the hired model, steak 'n shake-staff in the Letterman video is? It was not those pay just because she had made late debuted in the night. The high heeled, knee-high boots are part of the steak 'n shake uniform. All female employees, these boots are also who were behind the counter.
Weird, Hooters-y uniform aside, let us the most important part of zero: the F -
' Steak n shake, you seriously give me only an olive garden style "is this shit will be awhile" summer after I eat... at the bar ordered? What the actual hell! Even took so long to make my meal! That you gave me this summer me unnecessary anxiety about the wait time. Why do you have the steak 'n shake? Betrayed my trust, why so?
OK, OK, tried to be about this professional. Here is the French fries:
Points for packaging - we have the Burger King "-roast car holder" design goes, but thats a little strange when you consider that there is no driving through. This picture sadly omit to scale you any sense of the steak, but rest assured, the chips are the same shoestring!, need-to-grab-three-at-a-time-for-satisfaction thin Minis 'n shake usually Schills. No surprises are.
I forewent the burger and went straight for the second part of its namesake: the SHAKE.
I went for the Mint Cookies and cream, which comes only in one size. This was also steak 'n tariff to shake as I it in memory. Tasted much like the Shamrock shake - the shake itself i.e., it tasted like sweetened fluoride. However, the nice part about cookies and cream, is that additional crunch within the shake, along with the large pieces of Oreo at the bottom, waiting, as a "victory"beverage guzzled to collect.

The food I was hardly disappointing, since already set my expectations low when it comes to steak 'n shake goes. It was also reassuring to know I get all year, a Shamrock shake taste alike could instead of working time guarantees to Queens, the every day in March. This was but all overshadowed by steak 'n shake the eye-catching presentation. Maybe they change their brand are nationwide? Someone can confirm or deny this?
Anyway, it is nice to see it, move a Midwestern Burger chain, up to the East side. Now can we an in-n-out Burger please already?
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